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What’s in the blood?

Articles » What’s in the blood?

What’s in the blood? “For every mistake made for not doing: ten are made for not looking” (Poster on wall at Otago Medical School circa 1987 – Author unknown) Live blood analysis has a history longer than vaccination. It is interesting to note that…



Wot’s in the shots? What’s in the blood? What’s in our food?

Wot’s in the shots?

Articles » Wot’s in the shots?

*Click the link at bottom to see article that appeared in the Spectator magazine Nov 5th 2022. As it is now behind a paywall I have included it here: Wot’s in the shots? Graphene oxide? Nanobots? Rebecca Weisser 5 November 2022 9:00 AM What is in the Pfizer…


Today’s video and images » 230106

A number of patients have sought detoxification from the vaccines through the traditional practice of cupping. I was offered the opportunity to experience this myself and I subsequently examined a small blood clot that was the result of this process. These are bright…


Pfizer » Wires

I used to refer to these structures that appear in the vaccine as ribbons but they are distinctly different from the ribbons that we see in the blood. These structures appear develop over time. I first saw this wire in late October this year when I discovered my first…

Week 11

Newsletter- “Progress Notes” » Week 11

Progress Notes – Week 11 Good evening, Well it has been another busy week. Gosh I keep saying that. This week I have been running an experiment at the lab looking at the effect of nanogold on the vaccine. I will put details of this in my Substack (see footer)…

Week 1

Newsletter- “Progress Notes” » Week 1

Hi All, Well it has been a busy week. Monday I did an interview with Hoody Last night I spoke after Malcolm…

Week 9

Newsletter- “Progress Notes” » Week 9

Progress Notes Week 9 30/12/22 - Unfortunately my account with Constant Contact has been suspended will try and put in photos shortly Hi guys, Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2023! One more discussion with Mat Taylor before Christmas which is on the…

Liquid appearance

Pfizer » Liquid appearance

I have spent most of my time looking at the Pfizer injectable as it dries out on a microscope slide. Nobody who has had this experience is able to say that this is a normal appearance. They either haven’t looked or they are lying. It is obvious that there is a…



Email: I graduated MB, ChB from the University of Otago in New Zealand in 1992. The purpose of this website is to share my observations and opinions with respect to the Covid-19 injectables. With respect to Colloidal Gold – trials…