Progress Notes – Week 11

Good evening,

Well it has been another busy week.

Gosh I keep saying that. This week I have been running an experiment at the lab looking at the effect of nanogold on the vaccine. I will put details of this in my Substack
(see footer) for those interested in those details but I won’t get that finished until tomorrow and I have not missed a weekly newsletter yet and didn’t want to start now!
I have had a discussion on my findings this week with Mat Taylor and Shimon Yanowitz and this can be found here:

A summary however is that colloidal gold certainly appears to have unique properties and would appear to potentially be a very useful therapeutic in Long Covid or vaccine injury.
I am focussing all my attention on therapeutics now so more information soon.

A recommendation that an overseas colleague has suggested for a week ONLY (before review) is:
150ml colloidal gold daily (improves mitochondrial and neurological function apparently) – can take sublingual and will need less but ??how much less
Ivermectin 24mg daily (improves oxygenation by re-establishing negative charge on red blood cell membrane thereby stopping or reducing micro blood clotting)
Vit D 20,000 – 50,000iU daily (higher doses for those with known low Vit D or minimal sun exposure or low mood), has a number of very helpful functions)
Please note researchers have increased the upper limit of normal. Adding vit K is a consideration (not if on warfarin). Vit D toxicity is possible but i have never seen it

Clearly the ivermectin is problematic in Australia. Higher dose vit D is hard to get hold of. Don’t take it after midday or it will affect your sleep. If interested in Colloidal Gold (=nano gold) please email me with “Gold” in subject field.

There are other supplements with clear benefit:
Vit C
Chlorine Dioxide shows clear benefit
Carbon 60 (although I am still trying to figure out mechanism of action
Biohawk products (, more on them soon
Rife and frequency based technologies.
EDTA (I am hoping to run some experiments looking at EDTA chelation this week.)
Mat Taylor has recently produced a video on making an impedance bucket for detox purposes – more on this next week.

So all in all developing a good toolkit! :-)

Please avoid inferior supplements and check for magnetism (I kid you not –
Bunnings have cheap magnets ideal for this.

Clearly this assumes a low crap diet and perhaps I will discuss this more soon but I think most of you have had my discussion re this!

I have put a recent interview with Sasha Latypova on my website -this is an important discussion about the US Dept of Defence involvement in the Covid-19 vaccine programme.
There are a few other interview from my colleagues that I will include shortly.

Sasha has recently commented about my photos in her Substack and included our previous interview.

Hope the remainder (that last little bit!) of your weekend goes well.


Twitter: Davebnixon
Substack: Nixonlab


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A wrote: Jan 23, 2023

Dr. Nixon, may God bless you, Mateo, Shimon and all the tireless warriors of truth! Humanity is forever indebted to you all! Thank you for your updates! Looking forward to the outcomes of more experiments!