This video shows an area of Pfizer vaccine sample that is disassembling. note the formation of the liposomes (spheres) towards the end from the chips themselves

This video also shows disassembly and liposomes from within the chip becoming visible towards the end.

Here are a few photos from today:

I discovered a process today which partially degrades the chip which produces some interesting results


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Zino wrote: Jan 13, 2023

Doctor David, which solution is the one that dissolved those chips. Please tell us so we know what to take. With respect!

Andrew Chapman wrote: Jan 3, 2023

Thanks very much for this new feature - daily video and images - that's exciting.

Could you tell us what you did to cause disassembly, please? Was it saline solution you added, as per your tweet?

Around 7:05, it's interesting to watch what happens to the last small rectangle - 'component'. It looks to me like it coalesces into a smaller and darker lump.