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Carol Dickinson wrote: Sep 1, 2024

It seems that by the very nature of how electricity moves through certain elements, like water, vaccines or blood, the fiber optic ribbons, I would think, would not necessarily have to touch each and every chip, but to be merely in the vicinity of them. Interesting that in the dried-out form... there must still be... by the very connecting fluids... it is still able to send electrical current to the various chips. Has to be getting its power from nearby EMF, RF, WIFI frequency sources.

Ana wrote: Aug 28, 2024

Seems to be making computer parts inside human. Fiber optic cables, branches, creating a neural network, connecting the square disk. Matrix indeed. Humans being farmed for computer parts.

Guest wrote: Feb 15, 2023

I know who knows what that is - Charles Lieber.

Will wrote: Jan 1, 2023

The object Shimon suggests may be a ring, or cylinder at around the 54:00 mark, to me see to have all the hallmarks of a bubble, or dome shape. it almost looks like a bubble encased in a secondary coating, hence the appearance of a cylindrical outer wall. But the way the light provides contour to the interior really does convince me we're seeing a kind of dome shape. like a droplet of water on a table.

Brandon Iglesias wrote: Dec 19, 2022

Recommend an enclosure for EMF testing. Recommend TX / RX with the main categories of smartphone separated in different EMF boxes. Will look at microscope home test kit with database linkage for ML, need to be careful for HIPPA in USA. Welcome to collaborate asap, reverse engineered the neurotech part of it with methods and tactics 2021-2022. Driven by different AIs that learned about neurotech, an hypothesis.

Madonna Guy wrote: Dec 13, 2022

Real science in real time.