I only have one video of the assembly process at this stage but I am working hard to replicate this.

Here is a link to an analysis of the process with increased contrast and highlighting various aspects.
This takes place over 2 hours and has been sped up ~400x

full video below:

221211 – I was fortunate to record a significant self-assembly event this week and have recorded it in this document:
Self Assembly 221207

Please see topic 2.1 Construction assembly videos further further details


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Onthebeach6 wrote: Oct 3, 2023

Analysis of Dr David Nixon’s “ASSEMBLY” Video (2:59:39)

This is the video that caused a sensation in late 2022 providing proof that the Covid “Vaccines” were nothing of the sort - being crammed with self-assembling technology. I’ve used the full-length version because a lot of the important stuff happens fast – even when the rest is pretty slow. I suggest you print this out and then watch the video as I suggest below.

This is an analysis of a video about microscopic chip assembly – a chip assembled by several types of micro-bots including very large Morlock micro-bots whose ‘hands’ were previously thought to be individual bots. Nanobots are also used in construction of both chips and Micro-Bots but are too small to be resolved individually – but they can be seen as a black cloud where there are millions of them – a bit like a cement slurry.

But yes, that complex equipment we’ve all seen many times is actually the manipulator tools on the ends of Morlock Bot “arms”.

The “hands” and the equipment itself appear to have numerous types of bots on and within them.
They also have many other purposes such as creating Tentacle Bots – they have a special bot that fires out tiny tentacle bots.

The chip itself is multi-layered and the layers are pulled out and down by the Morlock Bot ‘arms’.
The chip has a full complement of crew comprising different types of bots with several good specimens of Tentacle Bots.

So where are the heavy lifters – the Morlock Bots?
The main Morlock (its head) takes up most of the background on the left side of the screen. You wouldn’t have noticed it before – you need to identify the hands and arms first – then you look for the head – the arms come out of the lower part of the Morlock head. This one is the main operator because it does all the connections involved in initialization of the Chip systems – whereas the bot at top right simply helps with expanding the chip and is seen producing a dozen or so Tentacle bots. The Morlock to the south isn’t really visible except of course for its manipulator arms which are also used to help expand the chip out. The chip has also to be held in several places during the expansion phase.

Just so everyone can get their bearings:

@ 00:9:13 in the North West quadrant we can see the forearm and hand of the Supervisor Morlock. The hand has a good grip on the chip.
In the North East we see that the Morlock over there has a good grip also.
To the south we see two or three similar pieces of apparatus.
They are the same type of equipment.

So how do such large micro-bots do the detailed work?
Well, they carry 3 much smaller bots in the ‘fingers’ that can be reduced or increased in size. You can see one on the fingers of the North West Quadrant supervisor Morlock. I’ll refer to these as “Morlock Finger Bots” in the analysis. Morlocks also carry a lot of other bot types on other parts of their structure.

Let’s return to the beginning of the video:

@ 00:00:00 we can see in the North West quadrant a small Morlock Bot standing next to the supervisor Morlock ‘hand’ – it looks like it’s making a mobile phone call announcing “Pull it!”
Use the slider to move through to the 30-minute mark and then back again. Do this a few times to get a feel for the chip being expanded out by the Morlock bots. It is superbly coordinated.

@ 00:05:00 we’ll have a look at some of the detailed work being done by Morlock Finger Bots and some others.
Use slider to slowly move forward and you’ll see that as the chip was extended it became possible to install a power/refueling connection point – which is being fitted by Morlock finger bots in the north west quadrant. It’s fairly intricate work – including turning fittings - they have the required tools.
As raw material is piped in the expansion continues along with fitting out the interior.
You can see in the new rather murky looking northern wing that a group of rather unkempt punk looking bots have decided to set up shop.

@ 00:20:00 you can see the hand of the southern Morlock pulling out the south eastern corner of the chip.

@ 00:40:00 the assembly of the chip is nearly complete.

@ 00:30:23 Over in the North East quadrant they’re using a brightly colored bot that fires out tiny tentacle bots. Dozens are fired out and can be seen scurrying around on the surface. I guess they will find their way to the chip and set up shop with the others.

@ 00:40:00 You can see in the new rather murky looking northern wing that a group of rather unkempt punk looking bots have decided to set up shop.
Now the power connections are checked by switching on circuits around the perimeter of the chip.

@ 00:32:35 the main circuit just south of the newly created main connection illuminates then starts lighting up perimeter circuits.

Following this the rest are activated.

I may update this in the future – there’s a lot in this video – but I think I covered the main points.

Rick Alexander wrote: Dec 13, 2022

Quite fantastic! And absolutely chilling. You have done extraordinary, valuable work here, Dr. David!!
You say you will load the full video soon. Not quite sure what you mean by the "full" video? But would it be possible to make this one available for download? Thank you so much for what you are doing. Truly! Take care.

Andrew Chapman wrote: Dec 11, 2022

To my eyes, it looks pyramidical, with successive layers being added underneath each other. I don't get that impression of a pyramidical shape from the normal static pictures of the 'chips'. Do you still have this slide and if so, what does this 'chip' look like now (assuming you can identify it), please?

Andrew Chapman wrote: Dec 8, 2022

See discussion of this video with Maria Zee and Dr Nixon at https://rumble.com/v1prv94-world-first-robotic-arms-assembling.html

If you think how far ahead of normal weaponry they were after three years of the Manhattan Project, that might give some idea of the possible gap after 75 years.

MoDa wrote: Dec 8, 2022

Up close, the dark parts of these “chips” look more like areas where material is being evacuated rather than accumulations/buildups of dark material (as could be suggested by a lower res image). The same darkness can be seen through the “yellow/pale” colors of the material surrounding the active area of interest. Since you are using a dark field microscope, this seems somewhat consistent.
It would also be relevant to know if what you are using is a light or electron microscope.
I am not saying the danger from these jabs should be dismissed (my position is quite the opposite), but these however simple observations feel worth sharing.

Andrew Chapman wrote: Dec 6, 2022

Thanks for sharing, this should be on the front page of every newspaper. It has something of the quality of those speeded up videos of foetal development.

EK wrote: Dec 2, 2022

At what temperature did you watch this happen?
And does it make a difference of you keep the sample at 37 degrees Celsius, aka body temperature?
Perhaps the cristals would not form at that temperature?