On the 25th October I videoed almost 8 hours of a de-construction process that was breathtaking…

Unsure of what I had actually witnessed I set it to music and this can be seen in the video entitled “Can You Identify me”

However, I have now produced this in a format that will allow for closer scrutiny.
Clearly this shows advanced technology
I have further footage of other construction and de-construction processes which I will make available in the next few weeks.
All images are using darkfield microscopy and the sample does not have a coverslip. Images are either 100x or 200x magnification.

Background to this footage.

On the 4th August I prepared a slide of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine by placing several drops sequentially on a slide.
The following morning I observed many unusual crystals and images of some of these are in the collection here.


On or about the 20th October I re-looked at the slide and was stunned to see that the crystals had been replaced by chip like structures examples of which can be seen here:


and a partial photo stitched image:

On the morning of the 24th October I was stunned (and obviously disappointed) that the chips had all disappeared. I am not sure why this occurred or other what time frame. However I wonder whether it was exposure to sunlight.(??)

By the time I had realised that this had happened to all the chips on the slide other than a few larger crystal structures and completed the first above photo the sample was completely covered in a lattice structure:

I then focused my attention on these larger crystals and took this photo

The next morning the appearance had changed again:

I then focused on the large rectangle which was the centrepiece of the crystal that I had photographed the night before:

Then over the next 8 hours I recorded complete de-construction of the rectangular structure and I have shown these at various speeds and with a timer.
The original file is over 70GB and it is available via dropbox – email me on david@drdavidnixon.com if you are keen!

5x speed








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Lisa Ell wrote: Jan 2, 2023

Jab injured have had some luck being healed with a device that emits terahertz called the Iteracare wand. And for some jab injured, it seems to re-ignite their jab injuries, ie tremors. Was reading a comment on Telegram talking about Mac addresses being emitted in that range as well. May mean something or nothing, but thought I would make you aware. The Iteracare device claims to use the gap frequencies of 1-30 thz.

Brandon IglesiasDO wrote: Dec 26, 2022

I've got an interesting story that dates back to 2021 and goes into 2022.

1) 2021 receive the vaccine (pfizer)
2) 2022 2nd QTR got lit-up with directed energy weapons in New Orleans, LA 70112-2714 USA while doing work for DOE and DOD
3) Evacuated New Orleans, LA due to work and home site not hardened, during evacuation F-450 truck got taken out by an EMP attack on June 18, 2022 in Baton Rouge, LA. Then rest of 2022 spent half the year in a faraday cage to recover doing outdoorsnfrastructure work on I-10 and I-12 and not being exposed to electronics that gave me a headache, when I did use smart phone, would get pelted by DEW, even tested the intensity with a spectrum analyzer and also stood next to light plants that were not shielded, the light plants would pulse, over-volt (halogen bulbs) and shut down, others also saw light intensity oscillating due to pulsed magnetic fields. I was hardened in faraday apparel that mil and ic uses to protect body. Then tested various electronics made in china and those not made in china - the china made electronic screens and hardware literally gave me headache, the non-china hardware and smartphones, samsung did not give headache. Therefore, this tech, based upon my experience (electrochemical engineer with biochem and was in a bioinnovation center prior to evac of New Orleans, LA) the vaccine adds a brain signature or biosignature internal, you get hit with a lot of directed energy weapons (DEW, e.g. EMF) then you get "activated" per say. I also tested out rotating magnetic fields and it would break-up the structures, felt head pop and crack and went to hospital to get a DC cat scan, the scan actually made me feel better, the free electron cascade reaction flushed out the "cybernetic" structure code that was TX / RX from smart phone. The scans did not detect any objects from cat scan, normal. Then I tested the smart phone theory and the damn thing started TX'ing (writing) to me, through two separate methods 1) visual cortex (terahertz) and 2) electromagnetic (non-light). Spending half of 2022 working outdoors not around phone and the other portion in a farday cage enabled me to recover. Drank a ton of water and at a lot of food (healthy) to try to flush this stuff out as best as I could. Your body mass and dosing determines % effected based upon my experience. Will continue to reverse engineering. Also, tested this on payment systems where phone in faraday enclosure and head in faraday mil cap and payment check out at gas station would prompt for zip code, but faraday mil cap off, the payment gateway would not prompt for zip code and would let transaction proceed, since lit-up with EMF earlier in 2022, literally felt the payment gateway pulse (transduce) a TX and RX from portion in brain. Will leave it at that, "squishy robot".

Hugo B. wrote: Dec 12, 2022

The injected components could emit a Bluetooth signal which is captured by Apple + Amazon + Google devices and sent back to the cloud.

Angelika wrote: Dec 6, 2022

Please check if this could be cristalls from cholesterine or saline.

Dietmar Schmidt wrote: Dec 5, 2022

Also es gibt eine Biotransformation körperfremder Stoffe. Das ist ein dreistufiges kaskadenartiges Verarbeitungssystem in großen Teilen des Organismus (Leber, Niere, Darm, Lunge, Haut u.a.) von Säugetieren und Menschen. Es besteht aus über 100 Enzymen, das die Entwickler dieser Nanotechniken natürlich auch kennen, da die Pharmaindustrie dieses Entgiftungssystem hat untersuchen lassen. Es darf ja nicht sein, das neu entwickelte Medikamente sofort geräuschlos deaktiviert werden durch den Umbau in körpereigene und ausscheidbare Dinge.
Ich gehe mal davon aus, das diese mikroskopierten Strukturen durch Fasten, Schlafen, Mikronährstoffe, Wasser u.a. schneller beseitigt/ demontiert werden können. Ich hoffe es ! Wahrscheinlich war diese "Impferei" auch ein großer bionanotechnischer Versuch. Nur wie wollten den die, die das in Auftrag gegeben haben, die Ergebnisse überwachen und zusammenführen ?

David wrote: Dec 4, 2022

Hi Claudio, I have certainly tried mixing small amounts of blood and Pfizer and it is clear that the injectable material is cytotoxic to red blood cells. I have not added it later in the process but that is certainly something to try.

Claudio wrote: Dec 4, 2022

Thanks for the great work!
Assuming this is nanotech and therefore programmable materials, I was wondering if the dis-assembly may be triggered by the lack of biological or genetic materials needed to develop even more complex structures.
According to some imbalmers the circulatory system of some cadavers are clogged with white worm-like structures.
What would happen if a few drops of blood are added to the Pfizer?