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Chris Y wrote: Dec 20, 2022

Here is Mik Anderson's presentation that the doctors from the Comusav BlueTruth documentary reference. It also includes instructions on how we can find the Mac IDs being emitted from humans for both Apple and Android devices.

Janna Fanta wrote: Dec 13, 2022

documentary by Blue Truth -Comisav- (world health and life coalition)

Janna Fanta wrote: Dec 13, 2022

there is a Mexican scientist/biologist who did an experiment something like this
he got vaxed ppl to walk by his laptop and picked up mac addresses that were 'unknown domains' & when unvaxed ppl walked by the laptop it registered 'error'

Joe wrote: Dec 6, 2022

Hi David.... just an observation

Since seeing my first mind boggling video on MAC addresses seen in vaccinated, I have been conducting my own experiments. My old 9y mobile phone does not filter out the undefined 12 digit MAC addresses seen via Bluetooth. I see plenty various undefined various MAC address sitting in say a crowded cafe as well as the usual named devices such as a TV or desk phone

Ive found that the bluetooth range of my old mobile is short and I will only pick the undefined MAC addresses when less than 2m away at best.... it seems to have a much longer range with other standard named devices......upon repeated bluetooth scanning the same people I get the same addresses coming up

My main observations is this

I took my wife to the doctor (a wonderful man who I have great respect for) for an appointment in a private room on the 8/7/2022. Knowing he would be fully vaccinated, I bluetooth scanned the room and only picked up the room desk phone. I moved within 1m of the doctor and my phone detected one 12 digit MAC address which I noted. I took her to see the same doctor 6/12/22 but in a different part of the large building. I repeated the same bluetooth exercise and again having to get close I detected exactly the same single MAC address.