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Ana wrote: Aug 28, 2024

They do look like computer circuits. The lights seem to be sending a signal beam to attract the fiber cable to enter the in their preset input portal. Ai generated, to turn humans into organic, efficient generators of computer parts. Also serving as computer processors with better speed and less energy. Humans are the carriers, the hosts for this computer virus/program.

Will wrote: Jan 3, 2023

Have you attempted interacting directly with a chip or cable while observing it under the microscope? Poking one with a stick or nicking one with a scalpel? I've heard you remark on their solid appearance, but I can't even begin to predict how they'd react to physical stimuli...

David wrote: Dec 15, 2022

Thanks Andrew, we have tried to improve on this - your feedback gratefully received!

Andrew Chapman wrote: Dec 11, 2022

Thanks, David, for sharing your ongoing investigations. One thing that I think would be helpful would be to start by identifying which slide you are looking at, and something of its history.