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Andrew Chapman wrote: Jan 25, 2023

What’s the difference between this slide with distorted structures, and the colloidal gold only slide (no 2), in the last discussion of 14 January where it resulted in the most well formed structures?

My only thought is that if colloidal gold speeds up the process, then perhaps speeding it up too much results in distortion. I think you said most of the action was in the first six hours, which sounds fast - and I am suggesting possibly too fast for ‘proper’ development.

Kenneth wrote: Jan 25, 2023

A theory for effect of colloidal gold on Nano structures. What if it is simply that the colloidal gold is short-circuiting the electronics of the Nano-structures. Perhaps the electronic structures are being built and held together by micro-electromagnetism. Once the electronics is short circuited they logically disperse and disintegrate. Moisture is needed for the gold to move around as it is non-magnetic it becomes ineffective to prevent the construction (crystallisation) to work when things dry out.

Will wrote: Jan 24, 2023

Serves me right for commenting before finishing the video. Looks like we DO still find ribbons present in these slides. Very interesting the way these chips appear "pinched" or emaciated. Like something is starving them out.

A wrote: Jan 24, 2023

Great work Dr. Nixon and Mateo! I'm not even 2 minutes in and I have to dissect this now!
If the CG can affect at a distance....perhaps one could simply hold a bottle of CG in their hand for trials/treatment rather than administering the CG internally...similarly to the effects of color therapy in clothing/environment? I hope that doesn't sound too new age-y but it runs in a similar vein to muscle testing.
If the CG's effects can pass the skin barrier, people could simply wear pure gold jewelry.
For extended periods of time, it would certainly be safer that taken internally.

Will wrote: Jan 24, 2023

Great to see you both! Interesting developments with the colloidal gold. I'm curious if you have any ideas as to why we don't seem to see any ribbons developing here? Also, I haven't finished this video yet, but I want to ask before I run to work: can we expect updates pertaining to the developments of the traumatized ribbons? I was present for the meeting where you first observed that phenomenon and it's been a fixation of mine ever since.

N wrote: Jan 24, 2023

Horn / Helmholtz resonator? TxRx

first chips to initialise locally form the address space prefix, cheap no -clashing broadcast medium if chips each have a sufficiently unique ID. Final nodes general-purpose resonators to lock onto local data sources and broadcast freely by ID?