Progress Notes Week 9 30/12/22

- Unfortunately my account with Constant Contact has been suspended will try and put in photos shortly

Hi guys,

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2023!

One more discussion with Mat Taylor before Christmas which is on the website. Follow up interviews with Gareth Icke and Maria Zeee in the New Year which I am looking forward to.

Interviews of members of our international group which were uploaded recently can be found here:

And a very important paper by Sasha Latypova who is also part of our group on the US DoD and further revelations with regard to who is really in control:

and a video from Sasha can be found here:

Further info on our culture results next week when we break open the incubator.

I am struggling to get a good enough view with my phone clip on microscope although I will keep persisting with this. Plans for finalising Nixonlab are coming together and I hope to have a better facility for researching the vaccine and checking blood shortly.

I have had some interesting photos this week and have posted more regularly on Twitter – DaveBNixon for those interested.

Tomorrow I have a second meeting with a researcher involved in making preparations that are potential therapeutics. I am not at liberty to say more but initial testing has been promising.

Best wishes

PS the images at the top are taken 4 days apart showing increasing complexity.
The image at the bottom is a chip that regrew today in a sample of Pfizer vaccine in a few hours.

PPS I plan to have a zoom discussion next Thursday morning at 730am with Mat Taylor and Shimon Yanowitz and anybody who would like to join us is welcome:
Join Zoom Meeting


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Sam wrote: Jan 6, 2023

Let us know if you plan on having any zoom meeting ?

David wrote: Jan 2, 2023

Correct, time in Brisbane

Will wrote: Jan 2, 2023

I presume that zoom meeting is at AES time?