This video shows lights going on and off on a chip. This is a process I have witnessed several times on several chips and for days at a time.
This is a process that can only be observed in darkfield and I have not so far had a satisfactory explanation for what is causing this.

This 7GB video was taken on 221227 and is in real time. I will also add some screen shots soon but hopefully you will be able to speed the video up satisfactorily to observe the process all comments gratefully received. I guess the first question is – is this is actually lights that being seen or is it some other aspect of the chip that is being observed?

Here is an image at the start of the video compared to the end of the video:

Same idea with an 11 hour video of a different chip:

This is the same chip in brightfield a few hours before the video in darkfield was taken.
It is in real time and this is the rate of change that I observe over time:

This video is older and it is the chip that was produced by the self-assembly process first seen in October this year.
This is a revised version and I have superimposed a bright field image on the darkfield image.
It is sped up ~ 400x


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Andrew Chapman wrote: Dec 27, 2022

To give one example from the long video, there is a light that comes on suddenly at 6:03 or 6:04 - it's about one fifth of the way down from the short top edge, and about one third of the way left from the long right edge. It intensifies at about 6:25 and continues to get larger and brighter until about the seven minute mark.