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Danyele Mercier wrote: Dec 15, 2022

Hi Joe!

Thanks to Dr. Nixon, we now know there is a growth stop (dis-assembly?) of the crystals under a Farady bag.

What about shutting down your wi-fi and smart meter first, in order to check if that would make a difference in your wife's health? Furthermore, I wonder if these EMF protection silver mesh materials could be of some help to her. Watch the "WiFi Radiation Cannon Experiment" video at:

Take heart!

Marie De Plume wrote: Dec 7, 2022

Dear Joe,
It's not just magnets she should stay away from... It's all electromagnetic devices. Look no further for the one and only, simple and effective solution for your wife to stay healthy right now, but also to free ourselves from techno-slavery, digital dictatorship, totalitarian control, surveillance - it's here:
In particular, read point #10, which offers a solution (to prevent the nanotechnological mesh from developing further).

Joe wrote: Dec 6, 2022

Hi David..... Great work

I live here in Australia

I have some observations on magnetism if I may:

My wife (very fit and healthy 45y old) took her first (only) Pfizer vaccine on 1/6/21…… This gave her heart trouble for two months with irregular heart beats and pain etc. We spent two months at heart specialists getting checked out. The perceivable trouble seemed to move away from the heart and into her nervous system causing intermittent brain burning sensations, constant dizziness, muscle clenching, occasional partial paralysis, and other nerve related symptoms. Since then, she has been 95% bed ridden. Almost daily she would have what she called a “flare” lasting an hour. This would be a highly acute sensation of brain burning which would render her immobile in bed. We have been to see numerous specialists to date getting no further forward.

Magnet Observations

My wife since then has felt very susceptible to battery electronic devices close to her as she could “feel” them. Recently she was curious about the effect, so she took a stronger (toy) fridge magnet and placed it close to the side of her head and immediately felt its presence there. I then took the same fridge magnet, at about 15mm away moved it from her ear over her head to the other ear. This immediately caused a reaction and sent her into a “flare”, she felt as though the passing magnet had “disturbed her brain blood vessels”…….. I then wondered if magnetic particles had moved in her blood vessels and aligning with the motion of the passing magnet.

She has stayed away from magnets since but one day one of the toy fridge magnets was on the floor, she picked it up and immediately felt a sensation up her hand and arm dropping the magnet.

Another time she was sitting close to two 9V battery devices (