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Will wrote: Jan 21, 2023

anxiously awaiting any updates on the status of the trauma pods. That development just seemed to be fertile ground for blowing the lid off this scandal and putting the cholesterol/salt crystal debate to bed.

Herb Garden wrote: Jan 19, 2023

Thank you, Dr. Nixon, Mat, and Shimon!

Possibly, Shimon knows the alluded to official:: La Quinta Columna and Cancer circa TWO MINUTES.


D wrote: Jan 19, 2023

I just stumbled on an article about a study done on the Hydra parasite and this part caught my attention :
Using Hydra cells, barcoded beads and microfluidic devices, the researchers analyzed sets of messenger RNA molecules, called transcriptomes, from individual Hydra cells and grouped them together by cell type based on the genes each cell expresses.

I immediately thought that perhaps these structures in the vax might also be build with barcoded magnetic parts and microfluidics ?

See the article : https://biology.ucdavis.edu/news/mapping-cells-immortal-regenerating-hydra

Andrew Chapman wrote: Jan 18, 2023

Praise God, this is super interesting, and I think shows fairly clearly that the rectangular structures develop out of crystals in the (dendritic) crystalline lattice that forms as the sample dries. (Or at least they *can* do so.) One thing that wasn't commented on was that there seem to be small cuboid objects in the cuboid crystals of the lattice before they (seem to) break off - if these are components then they seem to be already there at that stage.

A wrote: Jan 15, 2023

Thank you Dr. Nixon, Mateo and Shimon for your continued hard work and for sharing. Looking forward to the colloidal silver experiment to see if it has the opposite effect on the hydragel matrix circuit formations. I wonder how all the various trace minerals in the body interact and affect the matrix via their magnetism. Colloidal silver is used for detox ... so this will be interesting. I wonder what other trace minerals would have an effect as well. I thank you 3 brave gentlemen, for injecting some much needed humor into this serious subject.