Please check out my Substack articles for background on this:
Nanotechnology in Dental Anaesthetic
Part 2
and my discussion with Mat & Shimon from 20230512:
David, Mat and Shimon

I have also recently uploaded some more videos of the process


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marina koval wrote: Jan 23, 2025

All this is very disturbing considering that at some point everyone has to get the dental anesthetics. I see the question multiple times whether there are any clean ones but i cannot see any answer. Are there any? Any companies that are not involved in it?

Melinda Hutchinson wrote: Sep 7, 2024

Hi Dr Nixon,
I had two fillings done recently: one last year in July, the other one this year in July. Both of them in Europe and the anaesthetics used was Ultracain. I'm assuming it is similar to the other anaesthetics, but I think they are not Lidocaine based. Do you know if this type of dental anaesthetic contains nano particles? Thank you
PS: For how long have they been using nanotech in dental anaesthetics?

Lynn Childs wrote: Sep 1, 2024

Hi Dr Nixon,
Appreciate your research so greatly that all of us need to know.

I am wondering are all dental anaesthics in Australia contaminated? And if not, which ones are safe to use? Also, is there another way to deadened the area for dental work without using anaesthics?

I am concern for my son who has had a great deal of dental work on him for the last 3 years in West Australia. I am also in the process of needing a filling, but am holding off until I know of a better way for pain relief. Thank you so much for your help, if you possibly can provide it.

Kindest regards,
Lynn Childs

Julia Carter wrote: Jun 15, 2024

Hello David
Thanks for this really interesting site and all your work. I'm thinking of starting a Telegram channel regarding dental injectables - which we should totally avoid and which (for the present, anyway) seem to be free from any sinister contamination. Many freedom-minded people I know are now very worried about dental injectables. I've heard you say that 'sustained-release' dental anaesthetics should be avoided completely but that the 'regular' ones are perhaps ok. So no sustainable-release Lidocaine. I'm wondering if the brand names vary between Europe, The UK and Australia and New Zealand. If I speak to my dentist he'll think I've gone completely raving mad but I'm past caring these days because the lunatics certainly have taken over the asylum. And a last thought, have you ever looked at a drop of Restylane (aesthetic filler for wrinkles etc) or even Botox injectables under the microscope? My adult granddaughter wants to get a small amount of lip filler but as she's unjabbed I told her it would be potentially dangerous unless it's proved to be safe. All the best, your work is very necessary and fascinating. Julia in the UK

james wrote: Apr 12, 2024

simply brilliant my good man. just as an observation, should you set the speed of your videos at 1.25, your speech sounds completely normal. many blessings.

kermit johnson wrote: Mar 11, 2024

I forgot to ask. Are generics, say of lidocaine, clean of nanotechnology. They avoid the extra expense of that?


kermit johnson wrote: Mar 11, 2024

Like many people, wondering if there any dental local injections you or anyone has found ,that are clean.
Appreciate your work.


Effie Stavridou wrote: Dec 31, 2023

MODERNA made an agreement with SEPTODONT, packaging their injectable and respiratory mRNA vaccines. The announcement was made after your findings, which means they have been collaborating for unknown time ago.

Danyèle wrote: Oct 22, 2023

Hi David!

Here is a hope for all of us who do not want to be anesthetized at the dentist.

Many other advancements have been made in non- invasive dentistry over the past ten years. As to why they haven’t quickly moved forward with clinical trials on humans using these innovative solutions is another question. Are they prevented to do so? Follow the money trail…

Amazing dental anaesthetic zooms and series! One can only imagine what it does inside a tissue…

Praying for your health and security.

Take good care.

Light Teeth, bone and tissue regrowth

Light coax teeth repair

Laser therapy teeth regrowth

Teeth regrowth drug

Stem cells tech.

Enamel regrowth from Chinese researchers

Bradd Weinberg wrote: Oct 20, 2023

If one needs dental work done, are there any anesthesia shots that are nano tech free? What do you recommend? This is serious. And I have dental work scheduled and some that was already done a few months ago. Very concerning. I pray there is a way


Bradd W

Andrew Chapman wrote: Jun 16, 2023

The listed active ingredients of Lignospan Special (the anaesthetic identified at are lidocaine hydrochloride and adrenaline. Lidocaine is C14H22N2O, adrenaline is C9H13NO3. The excipients are 'Sodium chloride, potassium metabisulfite (E224), disodium edetate, sodium hydroxide (for pH-adjustment) and water for injections'. ( Nothing very exotic in any of these. What would one expect it to do if exposed to air? I would guess nothing, except evaporate, leading to the crystallisation of the salts. I wouldn't expect to see any of the remarkable cascading, bubbling, boundary formation, spinning etc that one sees here.

That light grey curved boundary in the second half of the last video - what is it made of I wonder? It just seems to disappear into a line of bubbles at each end.