Hi Everybody,

Well it has been almost 2 weeks since I finished work as a GP.
I am not sure what the future holds exactly but I am keen to keep in touch with the people who want to hear from me!
I plan to write at least a weekly newsletter and have a zoom call at different times once a week or so.
I recently had an article published in the Spectator Magazine which is here if anybody would like to read it:

You will not receive any more newsletters unless you subscribe here:

All the best.

PS masks don’t protect you. They may protect others if you are unwell.
(The mask mandates like the vaccine mandates and the testing mandates are BS and in breach of the Nuremberg Code)


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Carnec Bacquart wrote: Mar 14, 2023

J'habite en France en Bretagne sud. Je suis très intressée par vos travaux,
je fabrique de l'eau colloïdale or selon les considérations de M. Keshe.
avez-vous fait des tests avec ce type d'or colloïdal?

I live in France in Southern Brittany. I am very interested in your work,
I am making colloidal gold water according to the considerations of Mr. Keshe.
Have you done any tests with this type of colloidal gold?
Thank you