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Gwebo wrote: Jan 9, 2023

I would be curious to know the pH of the water you applied. These things supposedly prefer an acidic environment. Wonder what happens when high pH water is applied.

Gwebo wrote: Jan 9, 2023

The ionic footbaths for detox are a scam. Watch one of my favorite electronics geeks debunk this here:

The Shungite crystals don't do anything either, BTW. I've tested these myself. Do absolutely nothing to block EMF.

Veronica E. wrote: Dec 23, 2022

I highly recommend you invite Dr. Carrie Madej to one of your discussion sessions. She learned about bots way before it became mainstream. While she was a medical student, one of her teachers, who helped develop the nano-technology, showed a picture of a bot. Carrie & the other students were disbelieving at the time. Yet over the years, she realized the reality & evil potential of nano-bots. At one point, she was being wooed by scientists in this field. However, she walked away from big money as she was frightened by the technology & soulessness of the scientists. So, perhaps she can add some valuable insight? I hope you will reach out to Carrie. Certainly, you all could speak to her privately if she didn’t want to publicly divulge what she knows on your forum. We all hope whistleblowers will come forward but there are always dangers. In close, want to sincerely thank you David, Mat, & Shimon for the risks you’ve assumed by examining the injectables & seeking to discover its contents. May God guide & protect you in this noble endeavor to help Humanity.

Herbgarden wrote: Dec 23, 2022
New video from Blood under the Microscope

Can Mr. Taylor kindly give us the link to the French team that is working on some kind of foot chelation.

Thank your whole team for all of your work!

Andrew Chapman wrote: Dec 22, 2022

With regard to the 'cables'/ribbons, would it be possible to show the before and after images to demonstrate that they have grown over time? This would be a very effective way of proving that they are not contamination from the air.

Susan L wrote: Dec 21, 2022

Matt, the orange cluster looks like a xenobot to me: