Here is a new video a few recent ones sped up and a few more images.
Images are either 100x or 200x, mostly bright field

This chip developed fast in response to a close wifi router that was streaming multiple videos
It is 200x, darkfield magnification. There is a lot going on!
It is sped up 1200x approximately and it is worthy of watching multiple times at full screen

Arguably the most interesting discovery involved a ribbon. I traumatised one of the ribbons, unintentionally, and it developed a number of what appear to be aneurysms, in some of these you can clearly see “embryonic” chips.


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Danyèle wrote: Jan 20, 2023

Self-assembling nanostructures newly discovered by an AI.

One of them, used for communications, is very similar to 3.5 230105, third video, with double opened or unfolded "i" structure, which could also be associated to the "ribbon/fiber connection/junction dots".

Andrew Chapman wrote: Jan 8, 2023

One thing we seem to learn from the rectangles inside the ribbon pods is that the walls are translucent/transparent to visible light. From a quick look at graphene and carbon nanotubes, they are more or less transparent if they are thin (each layer absorbs 2% according to one site). I don't know what other plausible materials there are that have this property, but this must narrow the field down a bit I would have thought.

Will wrote: Jan 7, 2023

Another question to add to the heap of your insurmountable workload: is there any explanation for the start/stop behavior of materials traveling throughout the matrix (if I'm using that terminology correctly)? In the first video, it looks as though these channels of debris are rushing, then resting, in route to some indeterminate destination. Almost as if patterning after a respiratory cycle. My only guess would be that this correlates to a power cycle of the router. Am I in the ballpark with that line of thinking?

Danyèle Mercier wrote: Jan 6, 2023

Hello Dr. Nixon!

Third video, bright field. Do the drops left correspond to the measured edges and light disposition of the initial crystal in a dark field?

Andrew Chapman wrote: Jan 6, 2023

That fourth one (25 seconds long) is very interesting, if a little fast! It seems to repeatedly degrade and then restore itself. Are you doing anything to initiate these changes, please?

The pregnant ribbon is mindblowing.

Chris Y wrote: Jan 6, 2023

Absolutely breath taking. Thanks as always.

Will wrote: Jan 6, 2023

Upon further examination of these "trauma pods", It looks to me that they may contain multiple nascent chips. The 14 second video clip in particular has one large chip at rest at the bottom, and a tiny one in the upper right. The 15 second video shows a large chip, until the end of the clip at which point the microscope resolves what almost looks to be a stack of 3 or so chips, at rest on the bottom. Mind-bending work as usual Dr.!

A wrote: Jan 5, 2023

Thank you for sharing Dr. Nixon! Very interesting!