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Guy Crosby wrote: Dec 9, 2022

I'm seeing the lighting up of these crystal chips, it's the LED (light emitting diode) energizing them if my information is correct. Dark field microscopy uses a black background and ambient light instead of direct light to contrast particles you might ordinarily see as transparent, invisible, or non existing. It would appear the low power required is photon light energy which penetrates the skin, and or microwaves, from any device. This might explain the black light effect on the newly jabbed where the veins were visible on the hands at night clubs using a rubber stamp to mark hands of those who payed to get in. But, seeing these chips and ribbons is why I broke down and bought a digital microscope so I could see them at X2000 next to blood cells, or in rain water.
I'm confident they can be eliminated, but the spike protein borg, I have little faith that their lives will be anything but hell because the immune system is tricked into fight an infection when it's not. Gene editing is forever I'm told.

Douglas Robinson wrote: Dec 4, 2022

Many links do not work it just leads to the feedback pager