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john wrote: Oct 12, 2023

i meant 1:03:34 not 1:04:44

Andrew Chapman wrote: Feb 13, 2023

Thanks, David and Matt, very interesting as always. Those independent spheres near the beginning were new. I have begun to think that the 'donuts' are spheres too. Even one of the bulbs of the bulbous fibre looked spherical.

These old ones remind me of an archaeological site - ruins of past glory as it were. Would it be possible in principle to do mass spectrometry on the rectangles, and the fibres?

Before and after comparison of the fibres is especially important, as it's so hard to know whether these could be contamination - and especially to convince a skeptic that they are not. But a hair or floating fibre that grows..

Xyla wrote: Feb 13, 2023

I am seeing pyramid structures coming through the terrain of the slides. For me, there appears to be many pyramid structures overlapping each other. The pyramid structures are indeed energetic structures, so something energetic is definitely occurring and I will be possible to energetically alter what is happening here to transmute negative effects. I feel the gold is indeed working on an energetic level to counter negative aspects due to its high natural vibration/ frequency. I also feel that the technology could well be in a liquid state. If so, this is very positive because it will be easier to transmute from the body in this state.

john wrote: Feb 12, 2023

1:04:44 and 1:08:29 possibly something like a PBNA (plasmonic bowtie nano antenna)or nano rectanna,

A wrote: Feb 10, 2023

Thanks for sharing! Amber liquid crystals?


article from April 22 2013

"Gold nanomaterials are currently used to enhance solar cells [10] and as liquid crystal that acts as flash memory devices [11]. They also have extensive potential biomedical applications in drug delivery, gene therapy, photothermal and radio-therapy, biosensing"

11. Tsoukalas D. From silicon to organic nanoparticle memory devices. Philos transact A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2009; 367(1905): 4169-79.