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AtomHeartMother wrote: Dec 25, 2022

unreal finds in shown here. Totally mind blowing to see the "donuts" loaded into the "magazine" and responding to the magnetic field/router. Definitely something deep here. Those behind the black mirror know what you are looking at.

Andrew Chapman wrote: Dec 25, 2022

Extraordinary video. We learn that the ‘donuts’ are susceptible to a magnetic field and, interestingly, that the magazine itself stayed more or less intact, at least in the first instance. It is very surprising that the donuts reacted in different ways to the magnetic field - one leaving the magazine in a direction perpendicular to the long sides of the magazine, others joining together along the other axis. Also, the formation of the small rectangle next to one of the surviving donuts is of great interest, In the second part, we learn that the magnetic field seems to interfere with the normal construction of the rectangles, degrading them.

Reg wrote: Dec 23, 2022

This man seems to use the same vocabulary as you guys:
Is it related to each other?
Please let me know what you think.

Veronica wrote: Dec 23, 2022

1/ A few thoughts and impressions from viewing today’s and other discussions. Someone previously commented that they believed that your findings were salt crystals. Did research & found images of microscopic salt crystals on Google that resembled the squares, crosses, and pyramid structures you’ve shown. I don’t seek to discount your nano-chip hypothesis. I ask whether your “chips” could be constructed using salt crystals? Salt is potentially conductive isn’t it? Perhaps salt crystals provide a basic scaffold or platform on which more complex circuitry is built. A day or two ago you showed incomplete chips. There was one that looked like it had been unevenly broken revealing a top and bottom as well as various shapes on the inside which appeared to be like circuits - pretty suspect.