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Kevin wrote: Mar 19, 2025

our 10 year old daughter (and thus, we), have the same dilemma as Lori (March 2025); our 10 year old daughter is in need of cavity repair in two lower rear molars; My wife and I both grew up receiving dental work without anesthetic – painful at times, yes, but short-lived for a few seconds and then all done = far better than the problems one would inherit by accepting this Nanotech into the body (to be honest, the few times in the 1990s when I did except dental freezing, those three or four needles were far more painful. The current problem, is having already spoken to more than 20 dentists in the last six months here in Ontario Canada, none of them will engage the cavity repair procedure without anesthetic (only two are aware of the Nanotech/black goo issue, but will not answer questions about such - no doubt and fear of their license status) – this is astounding to me! Some of the reasons offered to decline repair without anesthetic is because they feel she is too young and it could be too painful. She is aware of the possible nanotech & clot issues (yes even at age 10), and wishes to proceed without anesthetic – but we cannot find a dentist who will do such. Currently we are doing high volume nano silver water rinsing (18ppm is the highest our generator will make), clove oil & coconut oil mouth pulling, and chewing a lot of xylitol natural gum (all of those are anecdotal but purportedly have positive affect to counter dental caries). We are looking for a practitioner who can perform an updated assessment and do the repair without any injectables (so far no success, as they all have their head buried in the sand, and tow the line of their status quo dental association, it seems) = any thoughts comments, or help and ideas of alternative procedures or other natural means, or to find a practitioner who comprehends these things, would be greatly appreciated, please and thank you David, and/or anyone else reading this post - thanks!!

Lori wrote: Jan 24, 2025

This is so disturbing and unfortunately not surprising. My question is, what does one do when you need a dental procedure? I need a simple procedure that I have been putting off to find some information on antedotes but there’s not much out there. I’ve seen ETDA, methylene blue, vitamin C, and sodium citrate. You and Dr Anna are the only ones I can find looking into this. I’m afraid if I put it off more the technology will only improve. I’m just terrified of all this and would like to remain a pure blood! Any advice is appreciated! Thank you for all you do!

David wrote: Jun 4, 2024

Hi Tiffany, thank you for your comment. I am sure that these are not salt crystals. I now believe that what we are looking at is liquid crystals which can form in the liquid and modified after they are formed. I will be writing more about this on my substack soon. I do not trust thys you tube channel to publish anything accurate after watching parts of the video promoting childhood covid-19 vaccination... (

Tiffany wrote: Jun 3, 2024

It looks like how salt crystals form. Here is a video;

I did a quick Google search to see what dental anesthesia is formulated with and this is what I found out;

"For the local anaesthetic base to be stable in solution, it is formulated as a hydrochloride salt"

Harry wrote: Mar 6, 2024

How do the structures know, how to build? Who or how is the blueprint provided? Is it embedded or transmitted to the ingredients?

David wrote: Feb 26, 2024

HI JP, Apologies but I am unable to go back and review that from 11 months ago - too much to do! I did do control experiments with water and I also tried colloidal silver. Karl and I will review these experiments and consider repeating some of these with better equipment and processes DN

JP wrote: Feb 26, 2024

Why dont you post my comment about a control experiment? Are you doing control experiments? How do you know for sure that this is graphene? Did you contrast this particles with graphene particles? Did you do the same experimente on saline water or other control material?

JP wrote: Feb 20, 2024

Could you please describe the materials and methods?

JP wrote: Feb 20, 2024

Hi, I'm wondering, have you done any control experiments, using an inert liquid, RO filtered water?

elizabeth h wrote: Nov 2, 2023

going back to the beginning when people first started looking at the jabs under microscope..dr madaj saw the black donuts and determined they were magnets.....