Lots to say on this topic but I wanted to make some things available.
Firstly here is the paper
Lee and Broudy 2024

Here is the Dr John Campbell video for those who haven’t seen it:

Here is the recent video from Dr Phillip McMillan’s substack:

Here is Young Mi and Jane Ruby:

Here is a you tube video that has got well over 250k views entitled Nanotechnology in the shots:

Here is the recent letter from Professor Anne Ulrich, Institute of Organic Chemistry (IOC) and Institute of Biological Interfaces (IBG2) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Fritz-HaberWeg 6, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

No Nanobots in Vaccines — Just Lipids on the Loose: Commentary on Lee and Broudy (2024), “Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructs in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitundinal Study”

Here is a reply to Professor Anne Ulrich’s letter from Tamara Tuuminen, Adj Professor in Medical Microbiology, Medical Centre Kruunuhaka Oy, Helsinki, Finland
A GMO Experiment on Two-Thirds of the World’s Population: Reaction to Ulrich’s Commentary on Lee and Broudy

Here is the response from Lee and Broudy
Response to Critics of Lee & Broudy (2024) on the Toxicity and Self-Assembling Technology in Incubated Samples of Injectable mRNA Materials

Also you can find another paper co-authored by Dan Broudy here:
Cyborgs ‘R’ Us


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Freedom wrote: Sep 15, 2024

When crspr was featured on Wired magazine, they assured that they would only play with fungi and bacteria. I said thats ludicrous! The organisms that build all life and the natural governance of lifes 3 domains. I am a non-academic plant scientist that began observing and researching unhealthy foliage and plant die-off throughout the northeast in 2013. And then the insects started getting weird. I moved to R.I. To operate a large cannabis facility where I consulted with growers and various academics about general pests that were coming in waves that became harder to treat and in clean environments, seemed to have coordinated timing with other gardens and facilities. White flies one month, powdery mildew another, etc. it was a diagnostic nightmare. I eventually came to the conclusion that the problem was an immune deficiency onset my malevolent microscopic nematodes. Then covid happened. Morgellons inspiration for nano semiconductors and akyeldiz papers connected the compartments of science in my head and this paradigm took me from respect to ridicule in a matter of months. I found a lecture by a nematolgist from 2010 warning that nematodes would be the greatest threat to agriculture for the next ten years. I think his name was Dr. Nuba, but the video since has dissolved into search engine relevance and is harder to find. My research hit a crossroads with covid as I am not a doctor, but I have been studying all the biology while watching you freedom doctors and stumbled on the engineering papers from ieee and I thankyou Dr nixon for taking what seemed science fiction or my own mental health and puttjng a confirmation on my theory. Truely a biological nightmare and I started working on de-compartmentalization of terminology across the science world so that I can better navigate and communicate between nanotech, microbio, engineering, physics, etc. I believe there is a beautiful solution to this mess that would not harm anyone. In fact I know of a device already in existence that was displayed at many cannabis conventions with skepticism that it made your yield increase and attract beneficial insects. His science was sound, and i often wish I had bought one. They can cover vast amounts of land. Feel free to email me if anyone is interested in exploring this. I like to listen to experts in alm fields of science and learn but I thought maybe its time I offered some input from a plants perspective. Thanks

Sharyn Adams wrote: Sep 14, 2024

I thank you for your explanation and exposure of this peer review article. It's hard to put into words what these injections have done and continue to do. What are these things, the spirals, circles, odd shapes? This will be passed on to my daughter who is desperate to get information to her 30 and 33 year old sons, who are oblivious. I don't understand at all how anyone could be oblivious, except that they turn away saying it's a conspiracy theory.

Charisse wrote: Sep 14, 2024

Thank God it was not a waste of time for you, I was able to see the whole presentation. Thank you for all your work