I have a 12 month old vial of Cominarty to this I added 0.20 ml of Dupixent (monocolonal antibody)
I put a few drops of this on a slide and observed a noticeable difference to that appearance of the liquid – it appeared more animated with larger structures visible
once this had dried I added from the side a drop of Septonest. These are three videos of the footage:

12 hours later:

Images are darkfield microscopy mostly 200x magnification


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David wrote: Aug 26, 2024

yes and no, I think this is colloidal or liquid crystals and DNA self assembly or programmed colloidal self-assembly

Tony wrote: Aug 20, 2024

Are we not just seeing crystalization of the solutes?

Tony wrote: Aug 20, 2024

Are we not just seeing crystalization of the solutes?